ArtAround Roswell 2019-20 Opening
Images from the ArtAround Roswell 2019-20 Opening at Emergence on April 18, 2019 Photography by Theodore O Lawrence
Images from the ArtAround Roswell 2019-20 Opening at Emergence on April 18, 2019 Photography by Theodore O Lawrence
As a professional jazz vocalist and a national recording artist with over 30 years of experience, I have found a love and ability to give back my community through song. I also believe Jazz is something that has to be experienced; it’s not something we can just read about or just listen to on the radio. As a resident of Roswell, any opportunities that the Artsfund can assist with in exposing jazz to our community would be appreciated.
Roswell Arts Fund, an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded to strengthen the scope of public arts in the city and to champion the ability of the arts to excite the imagination, strengthen public places, and encourage conversation.
As the designated Art Agency for the City of Roswell since 2015, RAF leads the implementation of public art initiatives as directed by the City and defined by the City’s Imagine Roswell Arts and Culture 2030 Study and the Public Art Master Plan.
P.O. Box 768136
Roswell, GA 30076